9:30 AM09:30



Our participatory workshop on strategic philanthropic planning will be held at Holy Trinity

Catholic Church Parish Center, Westfield Ave near 315 First St,Westfield, NJ 07090 on Saturday, January 11 from 9:30-3:30.

Facilitators are: Shaun Ahmad, leader in interfaith and Islamic non profit organizations; Donna

Katzin, founder and director emeritus of Shared Interest, the largest NGO supporting micro

finance in South Africa; Katie Curran Darcy, Executive Director of the Westfield Foundation;

Brooks Smith from El Centro Hispano Americano.

Cost is $20 for lunch. Register in advance by emailing smithjbrooks25@gmail.com or Elder Skip

Winter at ahwinterjr@aol.com

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Fratelli Tutti: Advocacy as an Act of Charity
7:30 PM19:30

Fratelli Tutti: Advocacy as an Act of Charity

Rachel Moccia is the Director of the Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul USA. In this role she oversees the Daughters’ strategy to advance their work in priority issue areas and supports Sisters across the country learning about and advocating for more just policies.

Prior to serving as JPIC Director, she worked for almost seven years as a leadership development and training specialist at Catholic Relief Services, focused on forming and training Catholics and others of good will to become effective advocates. Rachel has also worked with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and with the Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry for the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut. In her free time, she supports the justice work of the Congregation of the Sisters of Bon Secours, serving as a member of the congregation’s International Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee and as chair of the U.S. Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Team.

She has written on faith and justice for Sojourners, National Catholic Reporter, and most recently for the Canadian Jesuits Magazine. She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School and Bachelor of Arts degree from Fordham University. Rachel currently resides in New York City with her husband, though her sports allegiances remain in Boston, where she grew up.

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9:00 AM09:00


  • Holy Trinity Church, Westfield, NJ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our keynote will come from Barry Segal, who has donated over $200 million through his three foundations—Segal Family focused on sub-Saharan Africa—Focus Central America—Focus for Health which supports diverse organizations in the US.  Barry will share his journey, philosophy and practice of engaged philanthropy.  Jen Shore, the Executive Director of Focus for Health will discuss strategic and operational issues. 

 Those of us gathering do not have the capability of donating millions.   But we have been serious donors and our future gifts will make real impact.  So, the experiences and wisdom that Barry and Jen can share with us will be very relevant to our capacities and realities.

 Barry and Jen can only be with us for the first segment of our event.  For the remainder of the workshop, Brooks will lead us in an interactive workshop that he developed and has implemented successfully.

 We gather as serious donors. All of us contribute to ongoing operational funding for organizations we care about—we support capital campaigns—and to causes that we plan to support in our wills and estate plans.  We all strive for effectiveness and integrity in our giving.  And we know too that a strategy is vital to effectiveness.

 At the same time, we know that most of us raise funds.  This is a day to step aside from that responsibility.  No one is seeking funds during our meeting on November 4.  Barry Segal’s foundations do not accept outside donations.  We gather as donors dedicated to being smart and effective—Strategic and Joyous in our giving.


Let us know that you are coming so we can properly order lunch for $20 apiece.  Call us with any questions.

  Brooks Smith

908 304 4382


 Walter Korfmacher

908 472 0262


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Second Chances: A Christian Imperative
7:00 PM19:00

Second Chances: A Christian Imperative

Jim McGreevey

The New Jersey Reentry Corporation (NJRC) seeks to provide Second Chances to persons returning from state prison, county jail, addiction treatment, and combat. NJRC provides critically needed services, such as license restoration, legal services, linkage to addiction treatment and healthcare, enrollment in state and federal benefits, and training and employment. These comprehensive services seek to provide court-involved persons with an opportunity to address their various needs and place them on the path of healthy living and recovery.

One of the most central messages of the Gospel is the message of a Second Chance. Indeed, the very person of Jesus Christ shows us the meaning and importance of Second Chances. Jesus, the Son of God and the Second Person of the Trinity, is incarnated and becomes man, so that He may redeem us and bring us back to Himself through the sacrifice of His Crucifixion. Jesus' incarnation and His Passion is His bestowal of a Second Chance to humanity. The parable of the Prodigal Son puts the notion of redemption and Second Chances into higher focus and teaches us the lesson of how God views us and approaches us, namely as His beloved children.

The "Our Father" speaks of "forgiving our trespasses, just as we forgive those who trespass against us." In many respects, a Second Chance is an act of forgiveness. Jesus calls each of us to then give Second Chances to all persons with whom we interact. The Christina life may be seen integrally in terms of Second Chances received and Second Chances given.

Jim McGreevey serves as the Executive Director of the New Jersey Reentry Corporation, which provides critically needed services to assist persons returning from incarceration to successfully reintegrate into society. Those services include the integration of addiction treatment, sober housing, employment and training, identification and legal services, and linkage to Medicaid and medical and behavioral healthcare for formerly incarcerated persons.

The NJRC has ten reentry sites, which are Elizabeth, Hackensack, Jersey City, Kearny (Community Resource Center and The Governor’s Reentry Training and Employment Center), Neptune, New Brunswick, Newark, Paterson, and Toms River. The clients of the NJRC have a19.7 percent recidivism rate, 10 percent incarceration rate, and annualized rate of employment between 58 percent and 62 percent (seasonally adjusted).

He also worked with the women of the Integrity House Program at the Hudson County Correctional Center in New Jersey. He guided and directed the Integrity House initiative's spiritual counseling, as well as counseled the women upon discharge.

Having pursued seminary education and training at the General Theological Seminary, Jim served his field education working with formerly incarcerated women and men at Exodus Transitional Ministry in Harlem, New York City. He completed his pastoral care at the former Cabrini hospice and long-term healthcare center. Jim previously served as New Jersey Governor, State Senator, State Assemblyman, and over ten years as Mayor of Woodbridge, one of New Jersey’s largest municipalities. He also served as Regional Manager, Merck and Company; as Executive Director, NJ State Parole Board; with the NJ Assembly Majority Office; and as Assistant Prosecutor in Middlesex County.

McGreevey received his bachelor’s degree from Columbia College at Columbia University in 1978. He graduated from Georgetown University with a law degree and was admitted to the bar in 1981. He holds a Master’s of Education from Harvard University and a Master’s of Divinity from the General Theological Seminary.

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How to be a Christian Philanthropist when you are not Bill Gates
7:30 PM19:30

How to be a Christian Philanthropist when you are not Bill Gates

Brooks Smith was educated at Wesleyan University, U of Chicago Divintiy School, Colgate Rochester Divinity School and the New School University.  He was a parish pastor for 36 years and active in local and international community organizations that addressed issues of housing, refugees, youth criminal justice, water, sanitation, domestic violence.

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Mary’s Magnificat and Catholic Social Thought as a Blueprint for Dismantling Racism
7:30 PM19:30

Mary’s Magnificat and Catholic Social Thought as a Blueprint for Dismantling Racism

Dr. Valerie D. Lewis-Mosley

May 31 7:30-8:30 pm (in person) at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church Parish Center

Luke 1:46-55 and the seven Principles of Catholic Social Teaching provide both a spiritual context and action plan for addressing systems, structures, and paradigms, that contribute to the institutionalized racism that exists within our society and within the Church.

 Institutionalized racism impacts not only the mental and physical boundaries of Black and Brown peoples, but it is also an attack on the spirit (Mind Body Spirit). It is a spiritual context that also needs to be eradicated for it perpetuates not only white supremacy, but it reinforces the attachment to white idolatry.

Ephesians Chapter 6 provides us as well some insight as to how we can use the spiritual practices of our faith to dismantle the sin of racism. As harmful as racism is against those who are victimized- it as well destroys the spirit of the perpetrator.

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Ecological Spirituality: Praising God with and through Creation
7:30 PM19:30

Ecological Spirituality: Praising God with and through Creation

Presenter: Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP. DMin

 May 4, Thursday, 7:30- 8:30 pm

Holy Trinity Parish Center (Westfield, NJ)

 In this presentation we will explore the notion of two books of God’s Word: Scripture and Creation. “Nature is a magnificent book in which God speaks to us and grants us a glimpse of God’s infinite beauty and greatness” (Laudato Si, par. 12). Eco-spirituality is grounded in the truth that God is the Creator and Source of all life, human and non-human alike. We are part of an interrelated web of life. Eco-spirituality calls us into communion with and care for creation.

 Sr. Theresa Rickard, OP. DMin

Sr. Terry is the visiting Pastoral Associate at Holy Trinity parish. She holds a Doctorate in Ministry and recently participated in a 10-week Eco-Spirituality Program at An Tairseach, an ecological center in Wicklow, Ireland.

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Racism in our Country and in the Faith Traditions:  Past, Present and Future
7:30 PM19:30

Racism in our Country and in the Faith Traditions: Past, Present and Future

Racism in our Country and in the Faith Traditions:

Past, Present and Future

 presentation by

Dr. Valerie Lewis-Mosley

March 23, 2021 from 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Sponsored by:

·       the Peace and Justice Committee of Holy Trinity and St. Helen's Parishes

·       the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Association of Westfield

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the church entrance. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the church entrance. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
5:30 PM17:30

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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Rosary for the sanctity of all human life
6:00 PM18:00

Rosary for the sanctity of all human life

We will pray outside of Holy Trinity Church (315 First Street, Westfield) in front of the statue of Mary on the side lawn. In case of rain, bring an umbrella!

 Each decade will have a different sanctity of life issue as the intention.

We hope to continue this weekly for the foreseeable future.

We ask all participants to wear a mask and follow social distancing rules.

Please join us.

Intentions for each decade:

1. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of racism in this country

2. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to welcome immigrants and refugees into this country

3. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to feed the hungry in this country and the world

4. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work for the end of capital punishment in this country

5. Let us remember the sanctity of all human life as we work to reduce the number of abortions in this country

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