Rachel Moccia is the Director of the Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) for the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul USA. In this role she oversees the Daughters’ strategy to advance their work in priority issue areas and supports Sisters across the country learning about and advocating for more just policies.
Prior to serving as JPIC Director, she worked for almost seven years as a leadership development and training specialist at Catholic Relief Services, focused on forming and training Catholics and others of good will to become effective advocates. Rachel has also worked with the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and with the Office for Catholic Social Justice Ministry for the Archdiocese of Hartford, Connecticut. In her free time, she supports the justice work of the Congregation of the Sisters of Bon Secours, serving as a member of the congregation’s International Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Committee and as chair of the U.S. Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Team.
She has written on faith and justice for Sojourners, National Catholic Reporter, and most recently for the Canadian Jesuits Magazine. She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School and Bachelor of Arts degree from Fordham University. Rachel currently resides in New York City with her husband, though her sports allegiances remain in Boston, where she grew up.